Volume 25, Issue 2 (summer 2023)                   Advances in Cognitive Sciences 2023, 25(2): 106-118 | Back to browse issues page

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Bagherzadeh N, Setayeshi S, Yazdani S. Design a cognitive ontology model to develop a business strategic plan. Advances in Cognitive Sciences 2023; 25 (2) :106-118
URL: http://icssjournal.ir/article-1-1473-en.html
1- Department of Computer Engineering, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (709 Views)
Nowadays, modern technologies, like the Internet, facilitate customer access to information. This makes customers more powerful to empower or fail a business; they can all be reviewers. Every business should consider the power of customers as a valuable resource for the company.
Though the business prospect is full of complexity and uncertainty, an effective strategy can not only create a competitive advantage for the organization but also create value for the customer. A promising strategy helps the organization create more customer value by increasing benefits and reducing company costs. The strategy identifies opportunities and concentrates the organization's resources to use their benefits.
For business growth, the need for tools to deal with this issue is essential. The ability to interpret unrelated and unplanned events is one of the biggest signs of success for a successful manager of an organization. This means that all parts of the business must be optimized and strengthened.
The business model is considered a direct result of strategy. A business model is a document in which all the financial and temporal information of the project and its implementation phases are considered, including competitive advantages, as well as the target community. Innovation is essential in business planning, and attaining it can be challenging. Tools like maps are useful, but more is needed.
Facing every issue associated with complexity and uncertainty needs computers and intelligent computing. Ontology is an explicit and natural description of the concepts of a domain of discussion for computers. In recent years, the development of ontologies has been considered a description of words in a particular domain and their relationships. An ontology defines a common term for researchers who need to share information in specific areas.
This research proposes a business model ontology from the perspective of cognitive strategy based on customer satisfaction, relating customer criteria to a typical business model, determining the relationship between components, and proving the growth of financial values.

Numerous articles have discussed the components of various business models, showcasing a diverse range of strategies and approaches.
Customer satisfaction provides business owners and marketers with criteria for managing and improving their business. Therefore, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is a cognitive process, and it should seek to define a cognitive strategy.
The motives or goals of the perpetrators are not limited to personal gain. In addition to self-interest, altruism, loyalty, hostility, and resentment can also justify decisions less relevant to conventional management rules, such as cost-benefit analysis. In addition, conditions and environments are not fixed. Both factors affect the environmental conditions, and the conditions affect the agents and their behavior.
In this way, the decision-making process must be dynamically modeled so that the facts and human behavior can be explained and analyzed. In this study, such a pattern is introduced. In this approach, customer preferences are influenced by various factors such as thoughts and perceptions, values ​​and emotions, information and knowledge, and even the environment and circumstances.
The business model ontology developed by Osterwalder is a conceptual tool that contains a set of elements and their relationships and allows the expression of a specific firm's business logic (19). This business model ontology with a customer-based approach is employed in this research in order to design a cognitive business strategy based on customer satisfaction.
One of the ways to improve business models is focusing on individuals of its components, such as target customers. Cognitive sciences will definitely be useful in this regard. Cognitive ontology is one of the emerging fields of application of cognitive sciences.
The present study aims to demonstrate the importance of customers for any business to succeed. In the first place, the Osterwalder business model (19) ontology is considered the main framework of this research; furthermore, the customer metrics such as preferences, thoughts, information, and emotions are combined with the business model to examine the impact of customers in a business.
This research demonstrates how a business can change its strategy and adopt a customer-centric perspective. This study proposes a general cognitive model for describing business models. The introduced cognitive ontology of the business model is the first step to facilitating management in uncertainty.
It also indicated how focusing on a cognitive perspective and considering customer satisfaction can improve business performance.
Using cognitive sciences in any field can make outstanding results. One of the fields where the need for ontology is unavoidable is the design of business models. Today's business vision is full of complexity and uncertainty. It needs the use of modern technology to be all parts of the business optimized and strengthened. Although business processes have been studied from different points of view, the cognitive matters in this issue have received less attention.
The current research aims to define a general cognitive model for describing business models. Such an approach facilitates managing the organizations and can be implicated in the future. The proposed cognitive ontology for business models serves as an initial step in assisting management during uncertain times.
In this research, the concept of strategic business plans with a cognitive ontology approach is presented, and it discusses how focusing on a cognitive point of view and considering customers' satisfaction, can improve business performance.
Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines
This article does not use human or animal examples and does not include ethical considerations. The research used in this study is cited in the resources section to protect authors' rights.
Authors' contributions
All authors participated in writing and compiling this article.
No funding was received for this study.
The authors express their gratitude to all those who helped to write this article.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2022/10/12 | Accepted: 2023/01/17 | Published: 2023/09/20

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