Aims & Scopes

 | Post date: 2023/03/11 | 
The scientific-research journal “Advances in Cognitive Sciences (Taazeh-hay-e Oloum Shenaakhti)" is a journal related to the wide field of science, selecting its articles based on peer review. Promoting cognitive sciences, encouraging the exchange of experts’ opinions and helping research and education in this science area are the leading goals of this journal in Iran. With the aim of preserving the rights of researchers, the Journal of Advances in Cognitive Sciences seeks to use the creativity and innovation of experienced researchers to publish authentic scientific articles in the cognitive sciences area. The audience of this journal are psychologists and experts in various cognitive sciences areas. The two characteristics of novelty and practicality are also essential for the priority of accepting articles.

The Journal of Advances in Cognitive Sciences accepts articles in five thematic sections:

1. Cognitive psychology
2. Cognitive neuroscience
3. Cognitive education
4. Cognitive modeling
5. Linguistics and philosophy of mind

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