Author Guidelines

 | Post date: 2020/11/29 | 
Author Guidelines
In order to promote the knowledge of cognitive sciences in Iran, the Journal of Advances in Cognitive Sciences selects the article based on observance of writing and reviewing principles. Esteemed authors should prepare their articles according to the following guidelines. Authors are requested to submit their papers using the online submission section through the Journal’s website ( It should be noted that the only way to submit articles and any other attachments is through the electronic system available on the journal’s website.
The corresponding author should submit the completed author commitment form and conflicts of interest form signed by all authors with each article. The journal will not review articles that have not completed and submitted the authors' commitment form and conflicts of interest form. Authors are committed that the submitted article is not published in any domestic or foreign journal and will not submit the article to another journal until a final decision is received. Also, at the end of the authors' commitment form, there is a checklist for submitting the article (writing guideline) that the corresponding author must confirm all the mentioned items before submitting the article. Download the author's commitment form, conflicts of interest form and article submission checklist (writing guideline) here.
According to the journal’s policies, from the beginning of October 2020, authors are required to prepare an extended English abstract, including a minimum of 1000 and a maximum of 1300 words (see the section of the English extended abstract guide and Table 1). Download the sample of the original research article and the extended English abstract here.
NoteAccording to the policies of the journal commission, the provision of the ORCID code is mandatory for the first author and the correpondig author. It is also recommended that this be provided to all authors when submitting an article.
Principles of Technical Writing
Articles should be on A4 size paper with a margin of 2.5 cm on each side and line spacing of 1.5 cm with Persian font B Nazanin 12 and English font Times New Roman 11 in Microsoft Office Word 2007 or higher to be set in full compliance with the principles of writing. The text of the article should be written in Persian. Avoid writing English words in Persian; unless there is no acceptable alternative or equivalent to the word used. Wherever it seems necessary, the English equivalent of the Persian word should be written in the text next to it. The English equivalent of a specific word only once, and the Persian equivalent should be written in the first use. Use standard abbreviations instead of full words; when used for the first time, they should be fully defined (strictly avoid using abbreviations in the title and abstract). The names of foreign authors in the text must be written in English.
The total number of tables, graphs, and figures should be 6. All titles and numbers of tables, graphs, and figures must be in Persian and with a font size of Nazanin 11. The table captions should be completely placed above them, and figure captions should be placed below them (including a valid source for figures from other sources). Also, the consecutive numbering tables and figures are used, and their number should be cited in the text of the article. Tables should be designed using the Table option in Microsoft Office Word and avoid sending the tables as photos. In the caption of the tables, explain all the non-standard abbreviations used. Submitted figures or photos must be in color and good quality with a resolution of 100 to 300 DPI and in JPEG, PNG, or GIF format (avoid sending photocopies instead of photos). Graphs should be designed in Excel or SPSS software (not scanned). Avoid inserting tables and figures whose data are fully cited in the text of the article. Tables, graphs, and figures should be placed at the end of the article, after the references, with full numbers and descriptions. If necessary, tables, graphs, and figures should be sent as separate files as an appendix.
Ethical Considerations
If the study is based on human samples, authors should refer to the approval of the Ethics Committee of the relevant institution in the method section at the time of approval of the proposal. It will also be necessary to obtain the informed written consent of the participants. In animal studies, the conditions of keeping laboratory animals must be following the guidelines of the National Health Organization and cited in the text. All ethical considerations regarding subjects and other research items should be based on the Declaration of Helsinki and the Protection Code of Human Subject in Medical Research. For more information on ethical considerations, see the home page of the “For Authors” section of the Journal.
In clinical trial studies, mentioning the IRCT number at the end of the abstract and the method section is mandatory.
The Format of Article Writing
All submitted articles should be in two files (with and without authors' personal details) based on the following guidelines:
       A. Title page: This page includes the type of article, title (Persian and English), running title (between 6 to 8 words), authors' names, academic rank, department, faculty, university or research institute, and phone/e-mail in Persian and English. The corresponding author's address must be included in full with the postal code, landline number, e-mail, and ORCID code. According to the policies of the journal commission, the provision of the ORCID code is mandatory for the first author and the correpondig author. It is also recommended that this be provided to all authors when submitting an article.
       B. Abstract: This section should be extracted from the whole article and for Persian abstract should be between 150 and 350 words depending on the type of article (see Table 1 at the bottom of the page), the structure of which includes Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions and Keywords (between 3 and 5 words).
       C. Extended English Abstract: Informs the esteemed authors that according to the new policy of the journal of "Advances in Cognitive Science" in order to pay attention to the quality of articles received in the journal with the aim of indexing in reputable international databases and also increase the credibility of the journal in ranking and scientometric systems, it was decided acceptance of the extended English abstract article with emphasis on the sections of the Method and Results should be prepared by the respected authors within ten days. Extended English abstract structure, including Introduction (200 to 250 words), Methods (300 to 400 words), Results (300 to 400 words), Conclusion (200 to 250 words), and Ethical Considerations, including sections Compliance with ethical guidelines, Authors' contributions, Funding, Acknowledgments, Conflicts of interest, which must be at least 1000 and at most 1300 words. It should be noted that a maximum of one table or chart can exist in this section. The Ethical considerations section does not include tables and diagrams (see Table 1 at the bottom of the page). It is essential that the extended abstract be written according to the English writing standards by a person who is fluent in writing. In case of sending a detailed abstract in Persian, it will be translated into English by the Journal, and the author will bear the translation fee. Download the sample of the original research article and the extended English abstract here.
       D. Introduction: The introduction should contain a summary of studies and observations related to the research topic conducted in the past and current achievements. The introduction should also state the purpose and reason for conducting research, and the problem statement should be presented in a way that clearly explains the importance and necessity of the study. Finally, at the end of it, the purpose of the research should be clearly stated.
        E. Methods: In this section, the type of study, time and place of the study, the study population, how to select the sample and sampling method, inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as details of research tools, methodology, data analysis, and statistical software should be mentioned carefully. If part of the methodology has been used in previous studies, it should be mentioned by citing the source; otherwise, it should be fully described in detail. Ethical considerations should also be noted in this section. (Obtaining the approval of the ethics committee of the relevant institution or observing the ethical principles in working with animals based on the Declaration of Helsinki and the Protection Code of Human Subject in Medical Research for all articles and registration code of Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials system is required for clinical trial studies).
       F. Results: In this section, the results should be clearly stated in tables, graphs, and figures in summary form in the text. The text of this section should be concise and clear and should provide a summary of tables, graphs, and figures. Avoid repeating the contents cited in the tables, graphs, and figures in the text. The explanations of this section should be expressed with past verbs.
       G. Discussion: In this section, first new and important achievements should be pointed out in accordance with the objectives of the study, and then the findings should be compared with previous findings in domestic and foreign articles, and differences and similarities should be mentioned. Authors should also discuss and explain their findings based on comparisons made. Finally, the study's strengths and weaknesses, the study's limitations, and suggestions for future studies should be mentioned.
        H. Conclusion: In this section, the conclusion and practical suggestions based on the study findings should be written in one paragraph.
      I. Ethical Considerations: In this section, the ethical considerations made under the "Ethical Considerations" section of this guideline should be provided. This section includes the following: 
1) Principles of Research Ethics: Mentioning the approval of the Ethics Committee of the relevant Institution or observing ethical principles in working with animals based on the Declaration of Helsinki and the Protection Code of Human Subject in Medical Research for all articles and Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT) for clinical trial studies, is required. 
2) Authors' contributions: In this section, it is necessary to mention the type and amount of participation of the author(s) in the study based on the authorship condition.

According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and Iranian National Committee for Ethics in Biomedical Research, only those who are fully qualified can be named as authors:
- Significant contribution in designing, analyzing, and interpreting data
- Preparing a draft of the article or reviewing and correcting it
- Confirm the final version for release
- Be responsive to all aspects of research
3) Funding: The financial provider of research costs should be mentioned in this section by mentioning its specifications (Research code).
4) Acknowledgments: In this section, all individuals or organizations that have somehow contributed to the study through financial, spiritual, or technical, should be thanked and appreciated. If the article is extracted from a dissertation/thesis or approved research project, the thesis/dissertation's registration number should be mentioned.
5) Conflicts of Interest: Authors should declare any potential conflicts of interest, such as receiving money for an article or gaining an inventory or stake in an organization that may be gained or lost through the article's publication.

     J. References: The referencing style in the Journal of Advances in Cognitive Science is based on the Vancouver Style, so all references are numbered in parentheses at the first use in the text and are lined up at the end of the article. All references should be written in English; Persian references should be specified by writing the word "Persian" at the end of the article. If the number of authors is six or less, it is necessary to mention all of them. If the number of authors is more than 6, the first six authors' names should be mentioned, and then the phrase "et al.". Examples of referencing as follows:
The surname of the author (s) The first letter of the name of the author (s). Title of the article. The full name of the Journal (Italic). Year of publication; Volume number (issue number): page numbers.
Aydın PC, Koybasi GP, Sert E, Mete L, Oyekcin DG. Executive functions and memory in autogenous and reactive subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2014; 55(4):904-911.
The surname of the author (s) The first letter of the name of the author (s). Title of the book. Place or city of Publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Pagination.
Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K. Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice. 4th ed. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass publisher;2008.
Chapter of a book:
The surname of the author (s) The first letter of the name of the author (s). Word In: Editor(s) name the first name of editor(s), editors. Title of the book. Place or city of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. Page numbers of chapter.
Greenland S. Introduction to regression modeling. In: Rothman KJ, Greenland S, Lash TL, editors. Modern Epidemiology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;2008. pp. 418-455.
Last name and the first letter of the author. Title [MSc / MA Thesis or PhD Dissertation]. City: The name of the university; Year.
Bashirian S. Application of the theory of planned behavior to predict drug abuse related behaviors among adolescents [PhD Dissertation]. Tehran: Tarbiat Modares University;2011.
Conference paper:
The surname of the author (s) The first letter of the name of the author (s). Title of paper. Title of the conference; Year Month Date; Conference location; Publisher’s name: Year. Page number.
Kimyar J, Shibasaki H. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceeding of 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 October 15-19; Kyoto, Japan; Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.

Internet sources:
The surname of the author (s) The first letter of the name of the author (s). Website title; First publication date [Last updated date]. Internet address
Chan M. Progress in public health during the previous decade and major challenges ahead. WHO Web Site; 2014 [updated 18 January, 2014; cited 10 January, 2014].
Articles in press:
The surname of the author (s) The first letter of the name of the author (s). Title of the article. Full name of the publication.In press.
Leshner AL. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. The New England Journal of Medicine. In press.
Note: When writing a reference, pay attention to the punctuation (period, comma, etc.), as well as spacing.
Acceptable article types specifications
  1. Original Research Article: These articles consist of title page, Persian abstract (maximum 250 words) and extended English abstract (minimum 500 and maximum 1000 words), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Ethical Considerations, Conflicts of Interest, References, and Appendices (Tables and Figures). The text size should not exceed 3,500 words for quantitative study articles and 5,000 words for qualitative study articles. The references of research articles should be a maximum of 35 references, and it should use a maximum of 6 tables, graphs, or figures. Download the sample of the original research article and the extended English abstract here.
  2. Review Article: A review article should include Persian abstract (maximum 300 words) and extended English abstract (minimum 500 and maximum 1000 words), Introduction, Method, primary and secondary headlines, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Ethical considerations, Conflicts of interest, References, and Appendices (tables, graphs, and figures). The review article is published only by experts and experienced researchers who have several relevant field publications based on the Editor-in-Chief’s decision. A maximum of one article is published in each issue. The review article has a maximum of 70 references, of which at least three should be related to the authors' previous articles in this field. The maximum text size of a review article is 5,000 words. In these articles, a maximum of 6 tables, graphs, or figures should be used.
  3. Systematic Review Article: These types of articles can be meta-analyzed, meta-synthesized, or without statistical analysis. These articles have components of original research articles including: title page (in which the type of review is specified), Persian abstract (maximum 300 words) and extended English abstract (minimum 500 and maximum 1000 words), introduction, methods (that should be in methodology that should include the following sections: statement of purpose/objectives of the review), design of the study (including determining the type of review, description of the design, and methods used such as meta-analysis should describe the steps used), search methods (including searched databases, search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, keywords, language of articles reviewed, historical period of searched studies), quality assessment (including description of methods used and reasons for selecting or excluding studies, audit criteria), the method of summarizing the data includes summarizing the selected studies in the review and the excluded studies (in the form of a figure or table) and synthesis (this section includes a description of the processes used to synthesize the results), results (which should be reported using appropriate headings and provide a conceptual or theoretical description of the concepts found in the texts), discussion (it is necessary to start the discussion with the strengths and weaknesses of the presented evidence and then explain the practical and theoretical application of the findings obtained in the systematic review), conclusion, acknowledgment, ethical considerations, conflict of interest, references and appendices (tables, graphs, and figures). The text size should not exceed 5000 words. The references of research articles should be a maximum of 70 references, and it should use a maximum of 6 tables, graphs, or figures.
  4. Case Report: Up to one case is published in each issue only with the Editor-in-Chief’s decision and includes exceptional cases with educational and research aspects. The structure of this article includes: Persian abstract (maximum 150 words) and extended English abstract (minimum 300 and maximum 500 words), introduction (including the background, importance, and reason for the rarity of the report with citing to previously reported statistics), case report includes patient’s medical history, clinical and paraclinical findings to the extent that the purpose of writing the article is to introduce the disease, discussion (compare the significance of the current case findings with those reported in other similar studies and draw the necessary conclusions from it), conclusion (includes conclusion, recommendation related to the case), and keywords. In these articles, it should be noted that the patient's written informed consent must be taken before writing, and any information that may disclose the patient's identity should be avoided. The article word count should be less than 2000 words and have a maximum of 15 references and 1 table, graph, or figure.
  5. Letter to the Editor: These articles are intended to critique previous articles, critique or review books, critique, analyze or report any topics related to education and training meetings, and elaborate on a complex idea or topic. These articles usually do not have tables and figures (maximum 1 table if necessary) but have Persian abstracts (maximum 150 words) and extended English abstracts (minimum 200 and maximum 300 words). They do not have more than five references. The maximum number of words in the article is 1000 words.

Peer review process
Step 1: After submitting the manuscript by the corresponding or submitting author, the manuscript will be initially reviewed by the editorial office assessment in terms of the paper’s composition and arrangement. If the authors comply with the Authors Guidelines, the manuscript will be reviewed; otherwise, it will be returned to the corresponding author for correction and resubmission (this step's duration is three workdays).
Step 2: After passing Step 1, the manuscript will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief and the board of editors for review and initial decision. If the manuscript is approved by this board of editors, the manuscript will be sent by the related section editor to at least three reviewers. If this board does not approve the manuscript, it will be considered rejected, and the manuscript will be archived and notified to the corresponding author (the duration of this step is seven workdays).
Step 3: After the passing Step 2, regarding the scientific appraisal of the manuscript, the editorial office will send the manuscript to at least three reviewers, according to the section editor's decision. After receiving the reviewers’ comments or recommendations, they are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and relevant section editor, and according to their decision, the need for major and minor revisions or rejection of the article is decided. If the manuscript needs correction, it will be returned to the authors as soon as possible to be sent again for final review after making corrections. Also, in case of rejection, the manuscript will be archived, and the corresponding author will be notified (the duration of this step is two work months).
Step 4: In this step, the accepted article will be prepared for publication in the Journal (this stage's duration is one work month).
Final approval
A copy of the article will be sent to the corresponding author before the final publication to prevent any mistakes. Possible errors should be corrected within 72 hours (3 days), and the article should be sent to the journal office for publication.
Publication Fee
The publishing fee articles in the Journal of Advances in Cognitive Sciences from September 2022 is 15,000,000 Rials (1,500,000 Tomans). This amount in two stages is 5,000,000 Rials (500,000 Tomans) for review and peer review and 10,000,000 Rials (1,000,000 Tomans) in case of acceptance of the article for publication payable to the bank account of the Research Institute, which is possible through the online payment system of the Journal.
It should be noted that the amount of 500,000 Tomans is for the initial scientific review by the section editors, and in case of rejection by the relevant section editors, it cannot be refunded.
It is emphasized that paying the review and peer review fee will not affect accepting or rejecting the article, and this amount is non-refundable.

According to the journal's policies, the acceptance of articles from neighboring Farsi-speaking countries is welcomed, and for this group of respected authors, a 50% discount on all the above amounts has been considered.
Table 1. Maximum number of words allowed to write according to the type of articles
 Letter to the Editor Case Report Review Article Original Research Article
Original Research Article
Article Type
1000 2000 5000 5000 3500 Full Text
150 150 300 250 250 Abstract
 200-300 300-500 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 Extended English Abstract
5 15 70 35 35 References
1 1 6 6 6 Tables, Graphs, and Figures

The article's total number of words includes the title page, Persian abstract, main text, and tables.
Besides, for each graph or figure, 250 words will be calculated and deducted from the number of words specified for the article; therefore, the author(s) should pay attention to this in calculating the total number of words in their article.
In special cases, at the authors' request, it will be possible to increase the number of words (maximum 1000 words); for every 500 words, the amount of 150,000 Tomans must be deposited in the journal account.
Copyright of the Contents of the Journal
The Journal of Advances in Cognitive Science reserves the right to accept, reject, revise, edit, or summarize all articles. Publication of the Journal's material is permitted if the "Journal of Advances in Cognitive Science" to be cited. 

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