Volume 12, Issue 1 (Spring 2010)                   Advances in Cognitive Sciences 2010, 12(1): 1-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Shams G, Kaviani H, Esmaili Torkanbori Y, Ebrahimkhani N, Amin Manesh A. A Study of Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of the Padua Inventory-Washington State University Revision (PI-WSUR) in a Sample of Healthy Iranian Students. Advances in Cognitive Sciences 2010; 12 (1) :1-16
URL: http://icssjournal.ir/article-1-77-en.html
1- Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran.
2- Azad University, Roudhen Branch, Roudhen, Iran.
3- Treatment & Health Network of Rey, Rey, Iran.
Abstract:   (3094 Views)
Objective: Evaluation of the validity of the factor structure of Persian Padua Inventory (PPI) (a measure of obsessive-compulsive phenomena) on a sample of 348 non-clinical students of Tehran University, School of Medicine.
Method: Subsequent to translating the questionnaire to Persian and its back translation to original language and final control by the author of the inventory (Burns), a pilot study based on cultural differences was carried out on twenty students. The total subjects participating in this study comprised of 348 individuals in the age range of 18-44 years. The subjects completed PPI, OCI-R, MOCI, BAI, STAI, BDI-II and demographic inventory.
Results: The factor analysis of the PPI exhibited eight factors similar but not identical to previous studies: contamination obsessions, washing compulsions, ordering compulsions, checking compulsions, obsessive thoughts about harm to self/others, obsessive thoughts about violence, obsessive impulses to harm self/others, and obsessive impulses to theft. The results of the present study indicate reliability and internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha= 0.92), Spearman splite test (0.95) and test- retest (r=0.77). We assessed the concurrent validity of the PPI in relation to the Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R), and the Maudsley Obsessive- Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) and the results were 0.69 and 0.58 respectively.
Conclusion: In correlation with its original version, the PPI is a relatively reliable and valid questionnaire in Iran. 
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2009/11/22 | Accepted: 2010/01/21 | Published: 2010/03/21

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