Volume 23, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)                   Advances in Cognitive Sciences 2021, 23(1): 106-115 | Back to browse issues page

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Davaee M, Kashani Vahid L, Ajorloo E. The effectiveness of creative problem-solving training program on emotional management and resilience in mothers of gifted high school students. Advances in Cognitive Sciences 2021; 23 (1) :106-115
URL: http://icssjournal.ir/article-1-1104-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tehran Center Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3- . MA in Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (4672 Views)
Introduction: Gifted students have unique characteristics and needs. Family dynamics can play an important role in psychological wellbeing and actualization of the giftedness in these students. Increasing mothers’ emotional regulation and resiliency are critical for having a calm and blooming family environment for a gifted child. Increasing problem-solving skills in the parents of gifted children and adolescents, especially mothers who usually have more interaction with the children, might improve their coping skills and facilitate their future success and their blooming to their full potentials. Since research studies show a significant relationship between mothers’ emotional regulations and their children’s behavior problems, acquiring or lacking these skills would reflect    their children’s lives. Also, another variable that affects the health and performance of the family members is their resiliency, which is healthy reaction and performance despite problems. Given the importance of problem-solving skills for mothers, this study focused on studying the effectiveness of creative problem-solving training programs on emotional management and resilience in mothers of gifted high school students.
Methods: This study was conducted as semi-experimental research with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group. Twenty male high school students with a high IQ using multiple intelligence measurements and teachers’ recommendations were selected.  Their mothers were randomly assigned to the experimental and the control group. Participants participated in the ten sessions of the creative problem-solving training program in each session (70-90 minutes) of creative interpersonal problem solving, and the control group waited on the waiting list to receive the same intervention afterward.
The creative problem-solving intervention was designed based on the Creative Problem Solving Program (Treffinger et al. 2006), was based on Osborn-Parns Creative Problem Solving model; but modified to fit mothers of gifted children and their needs and characteristics. Creative problem solving is the ability to generate new solutions to problems using knowledge, principles, concepts, and various thinking strategies. This is more than just solving problems, but it has creative aspects to the offered solutions. In this intervention program, promoting creativity in solving problems was encouraged and practiced by multiple scenarios.  Examples suitable for mothers facing possible everyday problems of their gifted children include perfectionism and high expectations, low motivation and underachievement, loneliness, lack of appropriate social interaction with peers, and synchrony or asynchrony, which is uneven development of the abilities of gifted children. In order to assess emotion regulation, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ; Garnefski et al., 2001) and for evaluating resilience, Conner and Davidson questionnaire of Resilience (2003) were used. 
Results: The obtained data were analyzed using Multiple Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). The findings showed significant differences (P<0.05) between the experimental and the control group in both emotional regulation and resilience. The effect size for emotional regulation was 0.483 and for the resilience was 0.522.
Conclusion: In the end, applying a creative interpersonal problem-solving program for improving emotional regulation and resilience in mothers of gifted high school boys was discussed. It was concluded that creative problem-solving training could improve mothers’ resiliency and emotional management of gifted high school students.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2020/03/1 | Accepted: 2020/11/5 | Published: 2021/03/14

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