Volume 25, Issue 4 (Winter 2024)                   Advances in Cognitive Sciences 2024, 25(4): 130-140 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (402 Views)
Introduction: Time perception plays a role in the cognitive emotion regulation and risky behaviors of adolescents. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine the structural relationships between cognitive emotion regulation and the risky behavior of adolescents with the mediating role of metaphorical perception of time.
Methods: The method of this correlation study was the structural equation method. The statistical population was the adolescents of Tehran from September 2022 to May 2023. For this purpose, 400 adolescents were selected by available sampling. The participants completed the Risk Perception, the Time Metaphorical Perception, and the Cognitive emotion Regulation questionnaires. The SPSS-26 software was used for descriptive data and AMOS-8.8 software was used to evaluate the fitted model.
Results: The findings showed that the studied model is a good fit model for the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and the risky behavior of adolescents with the mediating role of metaphorical perception of time being significant. On the other hand, with the increase in the negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies, the time metaphorical perception of adolescents decreases, and therefore, with the increase in the positive cognitive emotion regulation strategies, the time metaphorical perception of adolescents increases.
Conclusion: Based on this, it can be concluded that understanding time can play a role in the cognitive regulation of adolescents' emotions with risky behaviors. Therefore, developmental psychologists who study in the field of adolescence should pay attention to the understanding of time in a metaphorical way along with the cognitive emotion regulation, and its components.
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2023/11/15 | Accepted: 2024/02/26 | Published: 2024/04/22

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